Makeover Monday | Union Jack Coffee Table

Yes, I love alliteration. Maybe too much? It sounds clever in my mind and I can't think of anything else more witty for my post titles. I'll be working on that. 

So, I have missed the past two Fridays. It's been busy around here, folks. But I've missed doing my regular Friday posts. It's the one constant for me on my blog. Which brings me to a question. What would you like to see more of on the blog? I'm working on developing recurring content throughout the week. If you have any ideas or desires, please share them with me!!! 

On we go. I picked up this super cute little accent/coffee table at a local mission thrift store. I thought it was cute and I loved the legs. For the love, I swear I took a before shot, but alas, I cannot find it. 

My original intention was to slap some lovely ironstone milk paint on it and call it a day. But then I started painting with a mix of french enamel and typewriter. I came up with a rich grey that had some nice blue undertones. 

As I was painting the top, I suddenly realized it was the perfect size and shape to try out a Union Jack accent.

I was so excited to try out this design. For the stripes, I used ironstone and typewriter. I definitely needed two coats of each.

This cute little table was not in the best condition when I picked it up. So, I decided to embrace the super distressed look.

I sanded quite a bit and I even used a razor to add some big chips and marks. It was pretty fun doing this technique and I am sure I will be using it more often.

 After the paint dried and I removed the tape, I sanded the stripes quite a bit as well. I wanted them to look very worn and blended together. I love how it all turned out.

I am loving the combination of this dark, distressed piece with flowy white drapes, colorful bedding, and a lush, faux fur accent rug. 

Paint truly is amazing, isn't it? I don't think I will ever stop loving transforming these forgotten pieces into something lovely.


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