The Makings of a Boy's Room | Part 5
For the last post in my labor of love series on creating a fun, well designed boy's room, I am going to focus on the unique accessories. These are meant to be used as ideas; something to spark your creativity. If we all used the same accessories, they wouldn't be quite as unique.
On top of my boy's armoire are a few unique and very special items that go nicely with the rest of his room. The boots are authentic cowboy boots that were completely worn out by my very own husband as a child. (I also have a pair of my very own, but I wore the sole off of them and they need to be repaired!) These boots are important to me for obvious reasons.
The flag is one that was given to us by my husband's office and was flown at the capital of the United States. It was completely unexpected and completely appreciated.
The vintage book is titled, "Cowboy Sam" and is perfect for... obvious reasons.
This picture is a reprint of a genuine reward poster from the 1870s. They were hung all over central Texas in hopes of finding this infamous outlaw. It is especially cool because Bass actually happens to be my son's middle name.
These bamboo teethers are a set I found on Etsy made by little sapling toys. I hand picked the three I felt went with the whole Texas theme: a star, a coyote and of course, the beautiful state of Texas.
Lastly, I just want to highlight one of my favorite things to do in a kid's room. I love to mix functional decor with playful decor. Obviously, the playschool barn is a toy, but it goes so well in this room. The rocking horse is also a toy, but nestles in here nicely. This storage box is a random piece my mom found for me at a gift shop going out of business. I love the beautiful horses on it. It is perfect to pretty up the room. And it is perfect to store matchbox cars. That, my friends, is what I call great design.