Simple Valentine Decor

This week the kids and I took a little field trip downtown to the local craft store, Idee. While there I found these super cute miniature wooden hearts with vintage inspired stickers on them. 

I fell in love with them and knew I needed to do something with them. These particular hearts came in a pack of 6 for €1,99. I grabbed them and continued perusing the store. I then came upon the same heart with a little clothespin on the back and had a brilliant idea. I would make a garland with these to hang in my kids' bathroom! However, the cost for one heart with the clothespin attached was €2,29! It was then I remembered this box of mini clothespins I had stashed in my craft closet. I picked up another package of six hearts and headed home.

Once home, I pulled out the clothespins, my hot glue gun and got right to work. It took less than ten minutes to glue these clothespins onto 12 hearts. At first, they looked like this:

Now to hang them up, I had this great twine my mother in law had given me. When I hung them up, the hearts were so top heavy, they flipped forward. So, I took them down, pried off the clothespins and reglued them on the opposite way. I hung them up again and they still tilt forward a bit, but I called it good. I don't embrace perfection too much when it comes to crafts and decorating. I absolutely believe that adds loads of character to my projects. Here is a shot of the finished product. 

When my girls first saw it, they were very excited. And bonus, my hubby doesn't even mind it!

Declutter With Me On Monday | Weeks 2 & 3


Declutter With Me On Monday | Week 2