Declutter With Me On Monday | Week 10

Hello, Monday. I can't believe you're here again. Where does the time go?

This week's pictures are going to be iPhone quality. I wasn't feeling inspired to drag out my real camera and do any editing at all. Hubby's TDY, baby's teething, school girls are whining and complaining. It's a wonder I got any decluttering done at all!

Clean, organize and declutter the microwave area. Here is my microwave area. Normally, I keep kitchen towels on the white tray on top of the microwave, but they are all dirty! Thank goodness I don't do laundry for this blog.

Empty out, clean and declutter your utensil crock. My utensil crock truly only has the few utensils I use. I did take them out and was pretty surprised and a teeny bit yucked out by the bottom of that crock! Make sure you clean yours out.

Declutter your small utensils and kitchen tool drawer. Get a drawer organizer if you don't already have one. We have very little flatware, so this task wasn't very daunting. We had some old coffee stirrers that needed to be thrown out. Other than that, I only needed to put a baby spoon in it's rightful place.

Clean off one kitchen shelf. I decided to tackle our coffee/tea cabinet. We have quite the tea and coffee obsession in our house. I guess it would be more accurate to say I have a tea obsession. You just never know what kind of mood you'll be in when the desire for tea strikes. Will you want the calming effect of Sleepy Time? Will you want the relaxing Vanille Rotbusch or the Chai? Maybe a little Earl Grey Creme is just what you need to start your day. I digress. Here is our coffee/tea cabinet before and after. Lots of clearing out expired tea, tossing a few packs of cocoa and organizing a few mugs.  Oh, and I guess this isn't the correct place to keep the girls' DS and games, huh?

So, that it is for week 10. If you'd like to join in or you are curious about how this whole decluttering thing started, visit Beth's blog, My Simpler Life. Beth has all kinds of tips for simplifying as well as a free PDF download of the 2012 Decluttering Calendar.

Sweet Little Ceramic Bunny { Local Find }


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